Abigail Humphries

2024 Abigail Humphries

Position Title
Graduate Student
Biomedical Engineering
Wang Lab (co-advisor)

GBSF 2619

Project: Engineering nanoparticles for drug delivery through microfluidics
Goals: To develop nanoparticle therapeutics for treatment of spina bifida and complete an Ironman race
Hobbies: Triathlon, trail running, rock climbing, and finding new places to hike in California

Abigail is co-mentored by Prof. Aijun Wang.

Education and Degree(s)
  • B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Davis
Honors and Awards
  • NIH Diversity Fellowship
Membership and Service
  • Committee for Health, Equity and Wellness, Undergraduate Committee Chair 2020-2022